Empowerment through veganism and spiritual enlightenment

cooked rice with vegetable salad in brown wooden bowl
cooked rice with vegetable salad in brown wooden bowl

Discover the power of veganism and psychic readings today!





Fynnyx Rising

Photographer, Artist, Psychic, Writer and Vegan activist

People may pause and wonder why I have all of these diverse topics on one web site instead of creating a separate web site for each topic. My opinion is that we all have many gifts and they don't always seem to correspond, but that makes up the quilts of our lives. This web site is my quilt of my life.

As an Alexandrian Witch, I have become more aware that I live on the Goddess's planet. She is the mother of all living, and that means that if I eat an animal, I am eating a child of my Mother. As I write this statement, I am overwhelmed by how profound this is. Even though animals may not speak or look like me, they are my brothers and sisters.

I invite you to come along and to do life with me. Let's quilt together.

Quilt of Life
Quilt of Life

Vegan Eating, Cooking and Travel

Join for vegan cooking, eating, and travel tips to save our planet.

Life with a Veganista
cream on bowl
cream on bowl

Sign up for vegan tips on cooking, eating, and travel to save our planet.

sliced pizza with leafy vegetable toppings
sliced pizza with leafy vegetable toppings
Save Our Planet

Learn how to build community with better choices.

Protect Our Planet today so that there is a tomorrow.

Vegan Lifestyle Choices
bowl of vegetable salads
bowl of vegetable salads

Photography & Art

Capturing beauty and memories through photography.

A Raven Photo taken by Genevieve Fynnyx
A Raven Photo taken by Genevieve Fynnyx
Sunset over Lake Pontchartrain taken by Genevieve Fynnys
Sunset over Lake Pontchartrain taken by Genevieve Fynnys
Photo by Genevieve Fynnys
Photo by Genevieve Fynnys
Photo from Ek Balaam by Genevieve Fynnyx
Photo from Ek Balaam by Genevieve Fynnyx

Tarot, Akashic Records and Mediumship

Let me help you find your way.

I am a tarot reader that has been reading since 1973.

I am a certified Akashic Records Reader.

I also do mediumship along with other psychic modalities.

Genevieve Fynnyx reading tarot
Genevieve Fynnyx reading tarot
Akashic Records are the library of all souls throughout time
Akashic Records are the library of all souls throughout time
Genevieve Fynnyx Reading a Crystal Ball
Genevieve Fynnyx Reading a Crystal Ball

Contact Us

brown and green food in white ceramic bowl
brown and green food in white ceramic bowl

Get in touch with us for vegan tips on cooking, eating, and travel by signing up for emails.